KB CloudERP Top Features

Boost Business Performance with Our ERP

Welcome to our comprehensive ERP you can seamlessly integrate essential functionalities to streamline your business operations, enhance productivity, and foster growth.

Elevate your business to new heights. Say goodbye to disjointed systems and hello to a single, unified platform that empowers you to manage every aspect of your business.


KB CloudERP Built.IN Features


Basic Accounting

Enough to run your small shop with a PAN registrations


Built-In POS

Get full-featured POS system with every features you need



Manage stock levels, variations & opening stocks



Efficiently manage purchases with our ERP feature.



Effortlessly manage sales with our intuitive ERP system.


Add expenses list, support recurring expense.

Purchase Requisition

Purchase Requisition

Let your purchase manager request a purchase orders


Stock Transfer

Transfer stocks from one location to other wearhouse


Stock Adjustment

Adjust your stocks based on normal & abnormal type 


Rack System

Add rack details while creating a products.


HSN Code

HSN codes to classify goods in a systematic manner.



Generate barcode for POS and inventory management


Ledger Reports

Get customers and suppliers detailed ledger reports


SMS, Email, WhatsApp

sales/due/payment/booking notifications to customers



Get notified from teams for different task and updates



Add customer details, opening balance and more



Add supplier details, advance balance and more

Customer Group

Customer Groups

Create customer groups to manage customer types

Payment Account

Payment Accounts

Add payment accounts & methods like khalti or esewa


Customize Invoices

Customize invoice as per you needs with full access


Subscription Invoices

Generate automatic subscription invoices

Import Products

Import Products

import product using excel files without any hustle

Import customers suppliers

Import Customer & Suppliers

import customers and suppliers from excel file

Import Sales

Import Sales

Import sales transaction from excel file from other systems.


Commission Agents

Add sales commission agents with % & more


All Reports

Access all types of business reports that you need

Custom Field

Custom Fields

Add custom features as per your requirements on system

Accounting & Bookkeeping

Chart Of accounts

Chart Of Accounts

Manage asset, expense, income, equity and libilities

Journal Entry

Journal Entry

Manage company’s debit and credit balances

Mapping Transactions

Map Transactions

Reset and map your all transactions any time

Account Transfer

Account Transfer

Transfer balance from one account to another


F.Y. Budgeting

Create the budget system for the fiscal year data

Double Entry

Double Entry

This will help to ensure accuracy and prevent fraud

Trial Balance

Trial Balance

Get your business trial balance reports at once

Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet

Get your business balance sheet reports at once

Accounting Reports

All Reports

Generate more than 7+ types of accounting reports 

Essentials & HRM


Google MAP Clock-In

Geo tracking clock-in and clock out features



Track the attendance of your employees everyday


To Do List

All to-do list for your task to manage productivity



Manage payroll for the employee based on work



Create holiday list for the financial year 


Leave Management

Create leave types and manage employee leaves


Documents Sharing

Add and share documents with the team members



Add, view, and share memos with other users on the team



Create different reminders using calendar system 


Chat System

Chat with other team members on the company



Share information about a product, department, or topic

Sales Target

Sales Target

Create sales target of the company for th employee




Add leads, lead types from different sources

Follow Ups

Follow Ups

Manage customer follow ups including recurrings



Create & manage all types of email and sms campaigns 


Contact Login

Let your customers login and view different tasks



Create proposal formats and use it later whenever need

Life Stage

Life Stage

Create and manage life stage of the leads

Project Management


Manage Projects

Create, manage and delete projects on different task 


Assign Users

Assign multiple users on your projects and track them


My Task

Check out the time log report of the employee task


Documents & Note

Add multiple documents and note on the projects


Generate Invoice

Create project invoice based of the work hour and task list


Activities Logs

Details reports of task list and activities logs of the projects


List & kanban Board

View your projects and task in different types

Employee Timelog

Employee Time Log

Generate the full time log reports based on employee

Project Timelog

Project Time Log

Generate the full time log reports based on projects

Restaurant Management


Table Booking

Create unlimited tables and add table bookings


Kitchen Dashboard

Full control of kitchen dashboard of the orders 


Staff Dashboard

Let the cooked kitchen orders ready to serve from staff

Type of service

Type Of Service

Create type of service like dine-in, delivery & take away


Combo Recipes

Create combo products of your menu list and sale it



Add different modifiers to serve on top of the recipes


Raw Materials

Create Recipe

Create recipe with your raw materials using product



Get all the production process of your products


Cost Calculations

Get cost calculations before production of product


Wastage Calculations

Get all the wastage calculations done 

Lot Number

Lot number

Create different lot numbers for the each productions

Expiration Date

Expiration Date

Add production product expiration dates easily


Select Ingredients

Select your ingredients to add on production steps


Production Steps

Create each production steps to manage manufacturing 

Manufacturing Reports

Manufacturing Reports

Get all the manufacturing reports on the report tab

Hotel Management System

Room Types

Rooms Types

Define your hotel room types for different type of customer

Room Pricing

Room Pricing

Set the room pricing based of the room types and days

Hotel Booking

Hotel Bookings

Create booking of your customers from x to y days



Add your amenities like parking, pickups and more



Create coupon codes to attract more customers


Availabilities Calendar

Make the specific rooms unavailable any time

Extra Services

Offer Extra Services

Add extra services that you provide on the hotels 

Hotel Notifications

Customer Notifications

Send a customers booking notifications with full details

HMS Reports

Detailed Reports

Generate all the HMS reports at once of your hotel

Repair Service Management

Repair Dahsboard

Repair Dashboard

All your repair task, status, reports in one place

Add Job Sheet

Add Job Sheet

Create jobsheet of your repair service based of type

Manage Device Vehicles

Manage Device/Vehicles

Mobile/Computer/Electronics/Vehicle Types

Device Models

Device/Vehicle Models

Create and manage your device type models 

Repair Checklist

Repair Checklist

Add default repair checklist based on devices

Add Service Parts

Add Service Parts

Add parts that is used for the repair service from inventory

Assign technician

Assign Technician

Assign repair task to the specific technicians

Repair Due Dates

Repair Due Dates

Collect the repair due date from the customers

Repair Invoice

Repair Invoice

Generate repair invoice based on the job sheet

Repair Status

Check Repair Status

Customers can check their repair status here >>

Serial Number

Serial Number

Add repair device serial numbers on jobsheets

Estimated Cost

Estimated Cost

Note down the estimated cost of the repair service

Password Lock

Password/Pattern Lock

For mobile/laptops add device password & patterns


Jobsheet PDf & Label

Generate and print out jobsheet label and PDF files


Customer Notifications

Send sms/email notifications of every repair status

Partnership Management (Shares)

Fixed Assets

Company Fixed Assets

Add business & company fixed assets with status


Add Partners

Add multiple partners based on number of shares

Add Partners

Distribute Shares

List out distributed shares of all the partners list

Profit Deposit

Partner Deposits

Record when partners do deposits on the business

Partner Withdraw

Partner Withdrawals

Record when partner withdraws money

Distribute Shares

Number of Shares

Count number of company shares in total by distribution

Profit Distribute

Profit Distribution

Distribute profits based on the share numbers

Final Account

Final Account

Add final account data based of earning value

Financial Estimates

Financial Estimates

Get all the company financial estimates in one place

Product Catalogue QR


Share QR Links

Share whole inventory catalogue reports with links

QR Link

Generate QR Code

Create QR code of your shop products and menu list

Show Hide

Show/Hide Products

Hide the out of stock products from the QR scan products

Online Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet Editor

Spreadsheet Editor

Get powerful online spreadsheet editor like excel

Share folders

Cloud backup

No need to worry about files, get everyday backups


Add Folders

Manage your spreadsheets with different folders

Share Teams

Share With Teams

Share your spreadsheet with team members

Share with todos

Share on Todos

Share created spreadsheet on todos and link it

Download Spreadsheet

Download Spreadsheet

This feature is still in development process

Woocommerce Sync


Sync Products

Sync product quantities when you add sales on both sides


Map Tax Rates

Map your different tax rates for the POS and website

Sync Log

Sync Log

Check the sync history and log report from the tab

Sync Orders

Sync Orders

Sync your POS and woocommerce orders



Allow to add webhooks secret for smooth integration

Reset Sync

Reset Sync

Reset all the sync data just in a few clicks

All In One Solutions

Get Free Remote Data Migration
(From Other Systems)

Make the switch to our ERP system effortlessly! We offer free data migration from your current ERP, POS, or Accounting Software. Seamlessly transfer customer details, supplier information, inventory records, and opening balances at no extra cost. Trust us for a smooth transition, enabling you to harness the full potential of our powerful ERP solution without disruptions. Choose a plan and contact us for a hassle-free remote upgrade!

(Imp Note: Free migration is not available on free & basic plans)

0 %
Save Time
0 %
Easy Switch
0 %
Remote Upgrade
0 %
All In One Solutions
All Customer Details
All Supplier Informations
All Stock/Inventory Records
All Opening Balance
Why Choose Us?

What KB CloudERP Offers That Other ERP/POS System Does Not in Nepal?

Here are the top six features that we introduced to run & manage your business like a boss and outperform your other business competitors.


Chat-GPT AI Reporting

Use Chat-GPT AI assistance to generate business reports, write reviews, emails, proposals, social posts and more.


15+ Extra Modules

Make the system your all-in-one workhouse by adding modules to fit your business and focus on your tasks in one system only.


2 TAX With 2 Locations

Use VAT & PAN both system in one subscription by assigning 2 different locations with separate inventory, pos, & other reports.

Noted : Some Extra Important Features

  • Configure SMS, Email & WhatsApp features to send messages or notifications to your suppliers for every new order, payment paid, item received, item pending, and pending orders. 
  • Also, every customer can get an SMS, Email & WhatsApp notification for every purchase, payment received, due reminder, new booking, new quotation, or repair they made.
  • You can also automate the payment-due reminder using SMS, email & WhatsApp notifications when customers exceed the due time, the system will send a message automatically.
  • to manage your inventory more precisely, you can also add the row and position of your rack to find it very easily. 
  • Send Ledger to your customers as well as your suppliers from the notification panel with full customization.
  • Add your barcode style to manage your stocks.
  • No need to worry about entering an SKU if you don’t know how to do it, leave it blank, and the system will auto-generate for you.
  • Different price selling groups for different types of customers like normal customers, wholesalers, retailers, government employees, and many more.
  • Configure your printers to print invoices with a Bluetooth-connected device or a computer.
  • You can use predefined barcode sticker settings or create your own barcode sticker setting if you wanna make your own.
  • Add tax rate groups if you want the combination of multiple taxes for purchases/sells.
  • Manage sales commission agents If you have any.
  • Completely design your invoice style depending on your business type and personal preference, like a tiny slip invoice, modern invoice & classic invoice.
  • Create and send quotations to your customers without hampering the stocks.
  • It supports a barcode scanner and receipt/thermal printer(All Printers with ESC/POS commands).
  • HSN/HS code feature which stands for “Harmonized System of Nomenclature”. It is a systematic classification of goods all over the world. HSN code is a 6-digit uniform code that classifies 5000+ products and is accepted worldwide.
  • Enable subscription-based Invoice automation if you run a subscription business like a hosting company, digital store, and more.
  • Weighing scale barcode support, where you can scan the barcode from the weighing scale and submit it.
  • Enable the Service Staff PIN feature to enhance security and accountability in your sales process. When enabled, it prompts the user adding sales to enter a PIN code of the service staff of sales and POS screen.

all the above features are included in all plans – explore more features

Technologies Used

KB CloudERP leverages these technologies, to deliver a scalable, secure, and user-friendly solution that effectively integrates various business processes and enhances overall organizational efficiency.

Technology Name
Software Framework
PHP web framework
Taylor Otwell
Laravel 9.x
Database Management
MySQL 8.0
Structuring & Styling
Modern UI & Real-Time Updates
Brendan Eich
Backend Logic Programming
Rasmus Lerdorf
PHP 8.1
3rd Party
Generate Reports & Answers
ChatGPT 3.5
Database Backup Server
Everyday Backups (Retained 30 Days)
Amazon S3
important For Business

Built-IN Features

Check out all the key features that we offer in our ERP cloud base application, which will help your business run smoothly.


Manage Multiple Business Shops

  1. Set up multiple businesses in the application.
  2. No restriction on the number of businesses.
  3. Inventory & accounting information is kept separately for each business.

User & Role Management

  1. Powerful user and role management system
  2. Predefined roles – Admin & Cashier
  3. Create different Roles with permission as per your need.
  4. Create unlimited users with different roles.
Mapping Transactions

Add Location & Ware House

  1. Create multiple locations for your business/shop
  2. Manage all of them at the same time.
  3. Stocks, Purchases, Sell can be tracked differently for locations.
  4. Customize invoice layout, and invoice scheme for each location.

Manage Expenses

  1. Easily add business expenses
  2. Categories expenses
  3. Analyse expenses based on category and business locations with expenses report.
  4. Add employee payroll and link to the expenses category
  5. Direct mapping of the expenses category with the accounting module

Contacts (Customer & Suppliers)

  1. Mark contact as customer or supplier or both(customer & Supplier)
  2. View details of transactions with a contact.
  3. View the total of Credit/Debit balance amount
  4. Define pay terms and get payment alerts a week before the due date.

Manage Purchases

  1. Easily add purchases.
  2. Add purchase for different locations.
  3. Manage Paid/Due purchases.
  4. Get Notified of Due purchases a week before the pay date.
  5. Add discounts & Taxes
  6. Purchase orders and purchase requisitions from your staff and customers directly.

Manage Sells

  1. Simplified interface for selling products
  2. Default Walk-In-Customer automatically added to a business
  3. Add new customers from the POS screen.
  4. Ajax-based selling screen – save reloading time.
  5. Mark an invoice for draft or final.
  6. Different options for payments.
  7. Customize invoice layout and invoice scheme.

Manage Products

  1. Manage Single & Variable products.
  2. Classify products according to Brands, Categories, and Sub-Category.
  3. Add products having different units
  4. Add SKU number or auto-generate SKU number with prefixes.
  5. Get stock alerts on low stocks.
  6. Save time by auto-calculating the selling price, the system is smart to auto-calculate the selling price based on the purchase price and profit margin.
AI Reporting

View Reports

  1. Purchase & Sale Report
  2. Tax Report
  3. Contact Reports
  4. Stock Reports
  5. Expense Report
  6. View Trending Products, drill down by Brands, Category, Sub-category, Units, and date ranges
  7. Sales Represtitave Reports
  8. Sells Payment Reports
  9. Items & Trending Product Reports
  10. Customer Group Reports
  11. Customer & Suppliers Reports 
  12. Register Reports

KB CloudERP reserves the right to change pricing at any time.

Free Plan offers 999 years model so if you are using more than that you might need to upgrade your plan unless we extend more. For the customers on Professional, Business & Other Existing paid plan subscriptions charges may apply if they want to add custom features.

Invoice limits for Every plan apply to both approving and sending invoices. 

Cloud Storage
Secure Cloud Storage

Worried about losing your data? Don't worry we have Bank-level security that keeps your data stored safely in the cloud. If you ever lose your data contact us right away.

Satisfaction guarantee
Satisfaction Guarantee

Start a free 7-day trial today, no credit card is required. You can cancel anytime with a promise that you are free to provide any valuable feedback to improve the platform.

SSL Encrypted

KB CloudERP protects your personal info and your client’s info with industry-standard SSL and encryption so everything is always safe and secure.

Ready to Start?

Is your offline business suffering from managing stocks, and tracking sales? Don’t know how to manage? Get our All In One ERP, POS, HRM, CRM, Projects, and Accounting cloud application and solve now.