All Your Business In One Platform - KB CloudERP

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Top features and upcoming modules that we’ll be releasing soon to run & manage your business like a boss and outperform your competitors.

(Note: Some of the integrations are still in the planning stage/might get revoked) 

UI Design

UI Redesign

Redesign the whole UI from the old design structure to the fully new dashboard and add more functionalities.

Khalti gateway

Khalti Integration

Give your customer ability to pay digitally using invoice URL directly to your merchant account. (works for invoice, due & ledger)

Mobile App

Mobile App

Launching the POS mobile app synced with the main system. It will maximize ease of use and offline use with no internet.


AD-BS Switch

Add the switch to enable both date formats which will help Nepali businesses to use the system in the Nepali calendar.

Desktop Ap

Desktop App

The desktop app will enable you to use it with no internet, it will sync data automatically when you are online.


Daraz Sync

Are you tired of managing inventory while selling on Daraz? Let us sync your stocks, orders & products in POS real-time.